Kiana's Heat Lightning CGC, RN, TKN, SDO, FITS

Virgil at 2 years old. Virgil at 2 years old.

Virgil at 2 years old. Virgil at 2 years old.

Virgil at 2 years old. Virgil at 2 years old.

Virgil at 2 years old. Virgil at 2 years old.

Our two "V" boys, Virgil & Vince. Virgil at 9 weeks of age.

Virgil at 8 weeks of age. Virgil at 8 weeks of age.

Virgil at 7 weeks of age. Virgil at 6 weeks of age.

Virgil at 5 weeks of age. Virgil at 4 weeks of age.

Virgil at 3 weeks of age. Virgil at 2 weeks of age.

Virgil at 1 week old. Virgil at 1 day old.

Click here to see pictures of Virgil playing at the dog park.